Do Not Drink Ice After Eating...!

Written By Unknown on Saturday 28 November 2015 | 13:52

Do Not Drink Ice After Eating...! - Drinking cold water after eating is very refreshing. But, it turns out ice or a cold drink after a meal can actually worsen your health.
According to medical science, drinking cold water after eating will solidify the oily stuff that had consumed. Drinking cold water after eating will narrow the intestinal tract. Freezing-eaten greasy foods will slow down the digestive process.
Fats that form in the colon and digestive tract will narrow over time will cause the fat gathered. This can lead to you getting fat so the body susceptible to germs.
To prevent bad things on you should change the habit of drinking ice after a meal by drinking warm water. In addition to refreshing, drink warm water can help the absorption of food juices better.
Reduce the habit of drinking a nice cold beverage that has been cooled in a refrigerator or ice blended. Cold drinks can lead to contraction of the channels of blood from large to small as the diameter of our hair.
Warm Water Consumption Can Reduce Heart Attacks Emergence
For patients with coronary heart disease regardless of the percentage of blockage, will facilitate the occurrence of heart attacks when used to drinking cold water. Things such as coronary channels can harden and shrink so that the holes or channels can be reduced which in turn may inhibit the rate of the heart. Therefore, to inhibit the process shrink and hardening of coronary channel, make it a habit to drink warm water.
For those who received coronary heart disease, it's good to drink hot water drinkable for developing coronary channel, accelerate the rate of blood, before subsequent medical action is taken.
Everyone must recognize the signs of heart disease, especially coronary heart disease. If the left hand often feel sore from the fingers to the shoulder and then followed by frequent tingling. Then, the pain in the left chest through to the back. Subsequently followed by dizziness, shortness of breath and sweating. Then the symptoms of such is the beginning or the beginning of a heart attack. If we recognize these symptoms, then immediately perform actions that include a hot drink, before taking medications to thin the blood.
Coronary canal therapy with hot water you drink it, of course, only as to prevent the continuation of a heart attack. The best way to prevent the emergence of coronary heart disease that is a healthy lifestyle. 

Blog, Updated at: 13:52

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